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Friday, 10th March, 2017


This years International  womens day saw the founder of Hawkers Market Girls centre Mrs.Shariffa Keshavjee being honoured among other remarkable women at the Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi.The award was to celebrate the many success and achievements of women who have done extremely well and thier contributuions in they society.

Mrs.Keshavjee received an award for Women empowerment and it was presented ny the Turkish Ambassodor.

she dedicated the Award to all the girls at the centre because without them she could not have made an impact in their lives.

She said that "We stand here today in deep humility  before God Almighty.In this our country that embraces pluralism and excellence.In all faiths and in our Ismaili faith,Our Imam emphasise the act of service .Unconditional which is a pulsation where giving and receiving becomes one.

As a Girl Guide i have learnt that turning up and doing my best is all i need to do.In my darkest time to turn to God who has given me my family and friends who come as angels to lend a hand.Without all of you here this space would not have any meaning so i say Asante sana.

Within every being is the divine feminine and divide masculine.

It is not about fighting.It is about accepting with patience.Patience is a gift from God in this moment.I stand here today because all of you  here in the audience have in one way or the other made this event happen.

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